In a sea of “content,” Vimeo is a human-run, premiere short film platform that prioritizes curation over algorithms. They’re a film loving community that’s interested in getting the right stories to the right audiences. They have the biggest audience of short film lovers that we know of on the Internet. Basically, we’re big fans. And apparently, they’re fans of THE CLAW because we’ve been Vimeo Staff Picked!! It’s a huge deal!!
Our guiding light as a studio has been to write and produce original content. And THE CLAW reflects exactly that. We love movies, and to be a featured on a place that loves movies just as much as us is a huge honor. Co-written and directed by creative director Lael Rogers, co-written by frequent collaborator Peter Edlund, produced by executive producer Sam Kelly, Jr. and executive produced by ECD Tony Fulgham, and made with our Seattle community of filmmakers/collaborators, this was truly an All is Well production. It’s been an awesome and wild ride.
In addition, you can find THE CLAW on another one of our favorite Vimeo channels, Ladies with Lenses — a channel highlighting some of the best shorts on the Internet made by women.
We can’t think of a better day than HALLOWEEN to share this funny spooky thrilling ride that we’ve made, so without further ado, check out THE CLAW below!